Free Mangal Dosh Prediction and Report

Free Mangal Dosh Prediction, Report and Remedies as per birth chart details

According to the Vedic astrology, Mars is one of the cruellest planets, and it severally impacts the people born in this combination. People who are born in specific conditions are Manglik, which indicates that these people will experience hardships in life and relationships.

What is Mangal Dosh?

The placement of planet Mars or Mangal in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house, results in Mangal Dosh in any Kundali. Once the person visits for Mangal Dosh Prediction, the negative impacts can be rectified.

The chances of a person to be Manglik are very high, but one is non-Manglik only if these combinations are absent from Lagna, Moon, and Venus chart.

Also, there are multiple combinations of other planets with mars that can cancel this dosha. So, the astrologers must be very careful while making Mangal Dosh Prediction.

What is Mars in Astrology?

Mangal, in the cosmic world, is a fighter. It is the most aggressive planets because of its fighting nature and acts like a soldier who carries a gun to shoot its enemies.

It is the reason why Manglik people have trust issues and face complications, fights, and even separation from their loved ones.

However, this dosha gets cancelled when two Manglik people marry each other. There are many other remedies and practices to reduce the impacts of Mangal Dosh.

How to Nullify Mangal Dosh?

• One should worship lord Hanuman on Tuesdays.
• One can perform Mangal Shanti Puja in any temple.
• Girls can perform Kumbh Vivah or marry people tree before marrying their man.
• People dealing with major Mangal Dosh can visit Navagraha Temple for worship.
• One can opt to fast on Tuesdays.
• Worshipping Lord Vishnu to reduce the impacts of Mangal Dosha is also a solution.
• One can consult an astrologer and wear gemstones.

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