Banalingam Rare Spiritual Puja Product all Information

What is Banalingam? Read all Information of Banalingam the Rare Spiritual Product with its uses and benefits on this page of Pratyangira Siddhi.

Banalingam all Information

The Lingam is a representation of Lord Shiva’s own energy and form, which has neither a beginning nor an end. It is seen as a manifestation of Lord Shiva’s own going shakti (power). A worshipper receives Lord Shiva’s blessings and senses the wonderful energy all around him. Astrologically speaking, Venus and Sphatik are connected.

The Sphatik stone idol is calming, cools one’s body, and aids with focus. It is also a type of uplifting energy and a kind of purity that aids in removing barriers. Sphatik Stone and Banalinga both stand for vitality and purity. Therefore, worshipping Shivling in your home or temple is a fantastic idea.


Because banalinga is found in nature rather than being carved or made by human hands and it appears naturally in the environment, as a mark of God. Being natural makes it extremely rare and if one finds it, one is considered blessed by Lord Shiva himself.

Basically, white or light whitish in hue, this Shivling has some imprints (holy markings) on it. The Banalinga Shivling should be worshipped every day since it is the most potent shivling.

Benefits and Uses of Banalingam

We are all familiar with Banalinga in Hinduism and its significance to our lives. It is an image of the Hindu deity Shiva. In Sanskrit scriptures, the word ‘lingam ‘also means ‘evidence or proof’ of Heaven and God’s existence as energy. It embodies Lord Shiva’s spirit.

It is appropriate for pooja offerings. It grants the worshipper everything they could possibly want in life. It is a representation of positivity and purity. It improves one’s ability to concentrate. It promotes happiness and eliminates negativity from the home and daily life. It brings about mental calm. People also pray to Banalingam to get a good and loving life partner.

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